About Us
The Village Garden Club of Dennis is a nonprofit organization open to all. For the past 50 years, we have provided a common meeting ground for all interested in gardening, flower arranging, horticulture, civic beautification and environmental issues. We promote the conservation and preservation of our natural beauty and resources, and encourage a knowledge of horticulture, environmental science, or related fields by means of scholarships and community service. With projects like these, the Village Garden Club of Dennis is planting the seeds for our next generation of gardeners.

Club Projects & Services
Plant and maintain gardens in Dennis at the following locations:
Corporation Beach
Dennis Memorial Library
Dennis Port Library
Dennis Port Pocket Park
Dennis Post Office
Dennis Chamber of Commerce
Jacob Sears Library
Josiah Dennis Manse
Mayflower Beach
Nobscussett Park
Conduct workshops in flower arranging and topics related to our club goals.
Arrange open meetings to share information from experts in the fields of beautification, horticulture, environmental issues and gardening.
Award scholarship(s) to Cape Cod students pursuing studies in horticulture or other allied environmental studies.
Pursue grants to support community outreach projects.
Provide stipends and/or toolships awarded to student(s) who are pursuing a career in horticulture or environmental studies.
Decorate and hang over 25 holiday wreaths for various community buildings.
Establish and maintain plantings at 10 gardens in Dennis Village, West Dennis and Dennis Port.
Teach and encourage elementary school aged children the importance and fun of gardening with the students at the Ezra Baker after school program to focus on courtyard revitalization.

Club Officers
2024-25 Officers & Directors
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Marie Susen & Bethany Gaita
Kate Lazarovich
Kathy Ozella
Bonnie Willey
Nancy Torrente
Cindy St. Amour

Club Affiliations
The National Garden Clubs, Inc.
President – Brenda Moore
4401 Magnolia Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts
President – Marjorie Dienhart
Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Executive Director - Andrew Gottlieb
Pollinator Pathway
Establishing pollinator-friendly habitats and food sources for bees, butterflies and birds