President's Message
With the song of the birds for pardon
And the joy of the flowers for mirth
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
Round 2!
Now that you know us and we know you, we're looking forward to another successful year keeping our dedication to the community through programs, events and new initiatives like Youth Gardening, Pop Up Garden Socials, and President's Day. Speaking of new, we’re excited to reinstate our refreshments of small bites and tasty desserts before our meetings in our new home at the Dennis Union Church.
In June we attended the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts annual meeting in Andover. We met many garden like-minded women and men. Although we weren’t recognized for a specific award, we were surprised we were acknowledged for our 50th year as a member of the Federation!
We hope everyone had a restful, fun, garden-loving summer celebrating the season; enjoying your summer with family, friends, neighbors and nature; strolling through your garden, welcoming each golden sunrise and toasting each sunset. September starts our new year, so put your thinking caps on for our major fundraiser scheduled for fall/ summer 2026. The planning begins now!
We look forward to working with our new Board members as well as all of you, members, who make our Club fun, colorful, productive and rewarding.
Bethany & Marie
2023-24 Highlights
• Transitioned to a Co President and Co Vice-President officers model to improve distribution- of responsibilities.
• Revived the Youth Gardening Committee towards fulfilling our Club's mission of bringing a knowledge of horticulture to the community.
• Reviewed and updated our by-laws to keep them current with the varied needs of our growing Club.
• Increased the Club’s awards application opportunities threefold with the guidance of our Awards Committee Chair, Nancy Jamieson.
• Grew our membership by more than 20% and expanded our breadth of knowledge with new members who have experience and/or credentials in master gardening, landscape architecture, technology, marketing, education and accounting, to name just a few.
• Shared a successful joint meeting with the Brewster Garden Club and brought an inspiring speaker to a wider audience.
• Relocated the Club’s venue to the Dennis Union Church in order to restore socialization to our meetings once again.
• Brought our beautiful gardens to the highly successful Cape Cod Hydrangea Tour for the third year in a row.
• Began planning for our large fundraiser by forming the framework of the ad hoc Fundraising Committee.