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Standing Committees
Standing Committees

 Civic Beautification Committee - Chair: Sheryl Vos

This committee oversees the preparing, planting, watering, fertilization and weeding of town gardens. All Civic Beautification participants are requested to help with Spring/Fall cleanup. Scheduling, designing and purchasing plant material is done by each garden Site Chair. Garden assignments, approving billing and overseeing all gardens is coordinated by the Beautification Chairperson. No participant limit.

Corporation Beach Dory

Site Chair: Patricia Koehler


Dorothy Craft

Joanne Mockler

Mary Raycraft

Pat Rosenberg

Carol Siegel

Chamber of Commerce

Site Chair: Marie Susen


Bethany Gaita



Dennis Memorial Library

Site Chair: Barbara Norman


Lauretta Boyle

Marlea Hoelzer

Margo Kay

Barbara Murphy

Trish Rivers

Carol Siegel


Dennis Port Public Library

Site Chair: Nancy J. Wilson 


Colleen Baldelli



Dennis Port Pocket Park

Site Chair: Colleen Baldelli

Catherine Bonta

Loretta Boyle

Melanie Carlson

Susan Carnathan

Joanne DiFrancesco

Valerie Nichols

Kathy Ozella

Walter Phinney

Patti Sakellis

Peg Sheridan

Marie Susen

Lisa Swansey

Heidi Toth

Nancy J. Wilson

Jacob Sears Library

Site Chair: Karen Smith 

Lynn Carlson

Priscilla  Cronin

Barbara Drowne

Barbara Fitzpatrick

Bev Petti

Trish Rivers

Cindy St. Amour

Josiah Dennis Manse                  Interpretive Garden

Site Co-Chairs:

Mary Raycraft

Jan Ward

Mary DelBuono

Dennis Village Post Office

Site Chair: Mary Rahal

Donna Christensen

Jean Forte

Marsha Fredericks

Valerie Nichols

Carol Siegel

Mayflower Beach Dory

Site Chair: Nadine Bradshaw

Jane Brennan

Fifi Gifford

Angela Hagerty

Kate Lazarovich

Mary Raycraft

Nancy Torrente

Beth Texeira

Bonnie Willey

Nobscussett Park

Site Chair: Peggy Lahey

Allison Barnes

Kate Lazarovich

Valerie Nichols

Mary Raycraft

Trish Rivers

Pat Rosenberg

Sheryl Vos

Jan Ward  


AWARDS - Chair: Nancy Jamieson

The Chairperson of Awards researches the awards available for the Club from GCFM, New England Regional and National Garden Clubs Inc., and any other applicable sources. This information is shared with our VGCD Committee Chairs who may wish to apply for an award or grant.




The Chairperson of Civic Beautification coordinates garden assignments, billing approval and assigns individual garden chairs. 

• Oversees garden preparing, planting, watering, fertilizing and weeding. 

• Schedules, designs, and purchases plant material

• Submits expense forms to Committee Chair

• Organizes Spring/Fall garden cleanup 

Garden Assignments noted in Committees & Assignments above.



DESIGN STUDY - Chair: Nancy Jamieson

The Design Study Committee holds club workshops to teach members good Floral Design using the Elements and Principles of Design as put forth by the National Garden Club, Inc. The committee will share techniques used to achieve good designs for Home and Shows.

Committee Members:  Priscilla Hutchinson 



ENVIRONMENT - Chairs:  Lisa Swansey 

The Environment Committee keeps members informed about significant conservation and environmental issues as well as local,

state and national legislation on environmental concerns. The use of the Grapevine, announcements at General Meetings, as well

as email notifications of upcoming Internet programs, allow a variety of ways of keeping the membership informed.

Committee Members:  None 



GRAPEVINE - Chair: Elizabeth Ching 

The Grapevine is the VGCD newsletter sent to all VGCD members informing them of scheduled activities and noteworthy information pertaining to gardening, nature, all aspects of VGCD and GCFM information and activities.



HORTICULTURE - Chairs: Colleen Baldelli

The Horticulture committee, in conjunction with relevant committees is responsible for the planning and organizing of field trips, flower shows, December wreath decorating, horticultural minutes, providing center pieces for the December luncheon and Annual Meeting.

​Committee Members:  Melanie Carlson, Betty Morse, Nancy Wilson, Beth Teixeira  



HOSPITALITY - Chairs: Susan Carnathan & Patty Koehler 

This committee organizes the monthly meeting luncheon refreshments for VGCD members and guests to enjoy. The committee is responsible for proper cleanup and storage of materials.  See separate list of hospitality months assigned in next section. 



HYDRANGEA TOUR PLANNING - Chairs: Patty Koehler 

This committee organizes the yearly Hydrangea Tour, decides what homes will partake and plans the staffing for the event. 

Committee Members: Allison Barnes, Mary DelBuono, Joanne DiFrancesco, Donna Garrabrant, Valerie Nichols, Barbara Norman, Kathy Ozella, Trish Rivers, Patti Sakellis, Cindy St. Amour, Lisa Swansey, Bonnie Willey   



MEMBERSHIP - Chair: Joanne Mockler & Nadine Bradshaw

The Membership Committee coordinates the record keeping for the body of all VGCD members. This includes the creation of new and renewal applications. Members will interface with any new applicants regarding their interests and skills following which applicant names will be presented to the Board for approval. Members of the committee will work with the Vice President (who is a de-facto member of the committee) to assign a mentor to each new member. The committee will take attendance at meetings and maintain records in print and electronic spreadsheet form showing all current members and their status. This information will be used by the committee to manage renewals and in conjunction with the Tech Team, make current membership lists available on the VGCD website under the secure section for other committees and club members to utilize. The committee along with the Vice-President, may take on other activities during the year such as a welcome event for new members, training for mentors or membership promotion events as needed.

​Committee Members: Catherine Bonta, Jane Brennan, Peggy Lahey, Margaret McQuillan,  



PHOTOGRAPHER - Chair: Sheryl Vos

This VGCD member takes photographs at all VGCD events and works with the website editor to display and archive all photos on the VGCD website.



PLANT SALE PLANNING  - Chairs: Marsha Fredericks

The Plant Sale Committee coordinates one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, the annual plant sale. The committee is

responsible for all aspects of the sale including purchasing plants from nurseries, gathering members plants, locating a sale site, obtaining town permits, building a team, assigning tasks, works with various committees (as needed) such as the finance team, treasurer, tech team and publicity to coordinate funding and advertising. Additionally, leads the effort to collect plant accessories and vintage items offered for sale. They are responsible for building a team for the final cleanup and disposal of all site materials at the end of the sale. Lastly, provides the final reporting to include finances and balances of accounts within 30 days of the event.

​Committee Members:  Nadine Bradshaw, Margaret Margaret McQuillan, Bev Petti, Cindy St. Amour, Lisa Swansey  



PROGRAM - Chair: Marjorie Dienhart

This Committee researches and arranges monthly programs for the club. The program may include speakers and other gardening, nature, and environmentally related subjects, along with focuses that support our club mission and budgets. Additionally, committee members review speaker’s presentations and equipment needs either in person or via technology before engaging on behalf of the club. This includes being a liaison with the speaker, coordinating contracts, submitting requests for payment, introducing the speaker/subject at each monthly meeting. Prior to meeting day, all equipment requirements, plus equipment set up plan is in place to ensure high quality programs. Also, collaborates with other VGCD Committees members to assist in planning the December Member Luncheon, VGCD special events (anniversary celebrations) and providing updates to the Grapevine Editor and Tech Team representatives.

​Committee Members: Barbara Drowne, Bethany Gaita, Marlea Hoelzer, Karen Smith



PUBLICITY - Chair: Deb Watson 

The Publicity Committee is responsible for managing communications and publicity for notable club events and activities while staying within budget. This includes all forms of written or electronic messaging, internet solutions and/or other avenues of affordable media for promotional purposes. Publicity works with the club photographer and various committees to achieve effective publicity awareness.

Committee Members: Caryn Reardon




This committee works with local schools and organizations to provide scholarships, tool-ships and grants to residents living on Cape Cod. Working with high school guidance counselors, the committee identifies students who plan to pursue careers in fields that support the mission of the VGCD such as horticulture, landscaping design, environmental science, botany, forestry and other related fields. The committee will meet to review applications and award college scholarships and tool-ships to students to help them meet their career goals. In addition, this group may offer grants and advice to Cape Cod schools and other community organizations to help these organizations create and promote gardens and greens spaces in our town.

Committee Members:  Donna Christensen, Priscilla Cronin, Valerie Nichols, Mary Rahal, Peg Sheridan




This Committee is responsible for determining what and when the next special event will be; i.e. house tour, garden tour, special fundraiser, etc.  This committee will decide how much we need to raise and what type of event we will have in the coming year.  Planning for the event will be set up at a later point with specific teams set up to handle the various teams needed to sponsor the event.  

Committee Members:  Donna Christensen, Mary Rahal, Marie Susen, Jan Ward 



TECHNOLOGY - Chair: Jan Ward

This Committee is responsible for audio and video setup at each monthly meeting in conjunction with the Program Committee. Committee members manage and update the VGCD Facebook Page and website. Club laptop administration, including software updates, antivirus and hardware support, are managed by this team. This committee also works on creating media for all VGCD events such as the plant sale, open meeting and other special events in conjunction with the publicity team.

Committee Members:  Elizabeth Ching



YEARBOOK - Chair: Elizabeth Ching

Based on current input from all committees, the yearbook committee creates the yearly VGCD yearbook, coordinates printing with detail to cost and distribution. Committee chairs must submit edits or new material to the yearbook Chair as scheduled to guarantee on-time publication. Yearbook draft(s) must be proofread by committee Chairs before going to print. In addition, committee Chairs must provide these changes to the Technology and Publicity teams to ensure all media is in synch.



YOUTH GARDENING - Chair: Allison Barnes

Youth Gardening works with a local Elementary School to learn about horticulture and environmental inpact 

Each committee member is responsible for sourcing ideas and projects. 

​Committee Members:  Nadine Bradshaw, Bethany Cassin Gaita, Angela Hagerty, Bonnie Willey  


Hospitality Schedule 

Co-Chairs: Susan Carnathan & Patty Koehler


September Chair - Priscilla Cronin 


Tea Table— Nancy Jamieson 


Elizabeth Ching, Donna Christensen, Barbara Drowne, Marsha Fredericks, Peg Sheridan,  Sheryl Vos



October Chair -   Lynn Carlson 


Tea Table— Mary Rahal 


Mary DelBuono, Barbara Fitzpatrick, Caryn Reardon, Marie Susen, Beth Texeira, Jan Ward 




November Chair  - Allison Barnes 


Tea Table—Joanne DiFrancesco 


Jean Forte, Catherine Bonta, Peggy Lahey, Barbara Murphy, Bev Petti, Caryn Reardon





January Chair - Kathy Ozella


Tea Table - Colleen Baldelli 


Marjorie Dienhart, Angela Hagerty, Priscilla Hutchinson, Margo Kay, Bonnie Willey 




February Chair - Melanie Carlson 


Tea Table - Lisa Swansey 


Sue Foley, Marlea Hoelzer, Patty Koehler  





March Chair - Nancy Wilson 


Tea Table— Bethany Gaita 


Fifi Gifford, Walter Phinney, Caryn Reardon, Trish Rivers, Cindy St. Amour





April Chair - Janet Brennan


Tea Table - Valerie Nichols 


Nadine Bradshaw, Lauretta Boyle, Mary Raycraft ​




May Chair -  Carol Siegel 


Tea Table— Margaret McQuillan 


Sue Carnathan, Joanne Mockler, Karen Smith, Pat Rosenberg, Patty Sowpel ​



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